Styling Options for Your Glass Shower

Not all glass showers look the same. When fitting one in your bathroom, you'll have several ways to style the enclosure to alter its look and functionality. Consider the following options for shower screens.


One crucial decision that impacts the look of a shower is its framing style. A frameless model uses small, discreet hinges and supporting bars to attach the glass screens, giving your bathroom a modern, open feel. 

A framed shower with metal edging around each side of the glass evokes a more traditional look. The robust frames highlight the shower structure, making it more conspicuous, and the bathroom won't feel so open and unfettered. Framed enclosures tend to be more economical.

You'll also have another choice: a semi-framed model. The framing of these showers differs somewhat. But overall, some glass edges will feature framing and others not. Often, the entire shower's perimeter has metal edging where the screens meet the walls and the floor. The joins between each glass panel may only use discreet brackets, similar to those used in a frameless design. The price of a semi-framed shower typically lies between the other two, and thus they offer an ideal comprise.

Shower Door and Handle

Besides the framing, the other vital decision involves the door type. Options include a hinged, outward-swinging door and one that pivots either way. Typically, frameless and semi-framed enclosures feature these doors. For a framed shower, you could install a bypass door that slides along channels. With this type of door, your bathroom won't require empty floor space to accommodate an outward swing, which is convenient for compact bathrooms.

Common door handle styles include minimal knobs, either circular or square, often with grooves for better grip. Alternatively, you could install a D-shaped or H-shaped handle, both of which are bulkier and more prominent than a sleek knob style.

Glass Type

Once you've sorted the framing and the door, you need to work out what type of glass to install. Typical glass has a slight green tinge, while low-iron glass is more clear. Both of these transparent choices will open up the bathroom. 

Of course, you may crave privacy in the shower, in which case you could fit frosted glass shower screens in different transparencies and patterns. The frosting can give a satin effect, or it can feature diverse patterns and designs. For instance, the screens could have frosty geometric fan shapes, circles, squares, and lines. Alternatively, delicate filigrees or organic wave shapes are other possibilities. Frameless showers are custom designed, and they thus provide the most scope for personalising the shower with your unique decisions that aren't limited by what's in the showroom.
